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Blonde female website designer creating websites for therapists in Milton Ontario Canada

What does it look like to work together?

I think it looks pretty cool, honestly. I've really streamlined my process to make it as clear, simple and enjoyable as possible for you. Check it out below! 

Book Free Consult & Fill Out Short Questionnaire

If you have any questions before you book a free consultation, please email or message me on Instagram! Otherwise, your first step is to book that consultation. It is a 15 minute video call where you can ask me any questions you may have and we can chat about how I can help!


When you are booking your consultation, you'll be asked to fill out a short pre-consultation questionnaire. You will also be able to browse my services and let me know which one(s) you're interested in!


Once you finish that questionnaire (I promise it won't take you long at all), you'll get a thank you for completing the form and I will see you virtually at the consultation!​

A blonde female website designer wearing an orange blazer on her phone googling website design for therapists in Barrie Ontario Canada

Do you have questions about any part of the process?

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